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Dear Parents,


May I take this opportunity of welcoming your child to St. Patrick’s Primary School, The Loup.


This Website has been designed to provide some of the information you may need. We want you to be fully informed about life in our school.


St Patrick’s Primary School is a co–educational Catholic Maintained School. It is situated about four miles from Magherafelt. It is one of two primary schools in the parish of Ardtrea.


As a Catholic Maintained Co – Educational Primary School, we cater for Catholic children of compulsory school age. In keeping with this ethos the teachers are dedicated to their provision of a caring and sympathetic environment so that the pupils will benefit from the total experiences on offer.


We at St Patrick’s Primary School work in partnership with home and the whole community to help the children in our care. As a Catholic School, our main aim is to establish and foster Christian values for life, to do this it is essential that we develop this partnership with parents. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum in a caring and secure environment.


Parents are always encouraged to take a deep interest in the progress of their children and to work with the school staff, for the benefit of all pupils. With both the home and the school working in harmony, your child should benefit to the full.


If you have any further questions, do not hesitate in contacting me. You will receive a warm welcome when you visit our school.



Seamus Scullion


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